Aether Gazer is a captivating anime-inspired ARPG abuzzing with exciting characters and storylines. Recently, it unfolds its latest update - Version 1.5 titled "Father, Son, Duel". The new version includes a time-limited event, four brand-new Modifiers, the integration of four extra ultimate skill chains, as well as plenty of amazing rewards.
Event Period: November 14 - December 11, 2023 (UTC-7), don't miss out!
Click and check how to play Aether Gazer on PC with MuMu Player.
During the event, players will have chance to engage in different thrilling challenges: Operation Rage Serpent, Forbidden Deadzone, Ailuros' Card Game, Surviving Adversity.
The gaming modes are various, all with attainable valuable prizes such as the exclusive "Pioneer" outfit tailored for Rage Serpent Marduk, Shifted Stars, Wasteland Fiend - Kingu Intels, Ailuros - Bastet Intels, and numerous other items.
Marduk plays a multifaceted role, combining armor penetration, control, DMG amplification, and energy regeneration. He can provide substantial damage boosts to the entire team through his exceptional ability.
Jackal is desinged in a user-friendly way, which makes him highly effective in automatic battles.
Kingu excels in single-target attack, and has an ability to seamlessly switch between different output modes, with the primary damage output relying on the added benefits from the Pressure Tank.
This modifier primarily deals with single-target DMG and embodies the agility and grace of a cat.
As a central gameplay mechanic in Aether Gazer, the game is constantly updating new skillchains. In Version 1.5, four fresh Ultimate Skillchains will be added:
Accompanying the debut of new Modifiers, this update also introduces four additional functors. Equipping these functors can greatly enhance the damage efficiency of the Modifiers:
Above are all you need to know about Aether Gazer Version 1.5. For more gaming news and guide, welcome to bookmark MuMu's blogpage!