Call of Dragons: Beginners' Guide


Call of Dragons: Beginners' Guide

It has finally been possible to play a brand-new game in the Rise of Kingdoms series thanks to the release of Call of Dragons. And what better way to get your town's growth moving in the right direction than to use all the best tricks, strategies, and advice at your disposal? This is the aim of this Call of Dragons beginner's guide, where we'll give an overview of the fundamental aspects of the game and provide a few tips on how to get going quickly.

call of dragons


Call Of Dragons is a new game and three is a lot of things that you have to upgrade, research, level, etc, if you want to progress faster and become a strong player. That is why we created this beginner guide where you will find all the crucial tips and tricks that you have to know. So let’s start.


Beginners' Guide for Call of Dragons

1. Choose a Best Faction

Your journey in Call of Dragons begins by selecting a faction, exactly like in Rise of Kingdoms. Each of these groupings has special advantages and characteristics, such as starting heroes, military units, passive benefits, and other features. 

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Aside from other perks, players will be able to select between the Springwardens, the League of Order, and Wilderburg at launch. But, the League of Order is without a doubt the faction that delivers the best passive bonuses at launch. This faction grants boosts to your troops' troop gathering pace, enabling you to produce resources more quickly and accelerating the growth of your town as a whole. Without even mentioning Waldyr, the leader of this faction and one of the finest heroes overall for both PvP and PvE, who has strong AoE powers to annihilate your opponents on the battlefield.


2. Developing Your Town

You'll be happy to know that the general procedure in Call of Dragons for creating and developing your town is fairly similar if you've played any other strategy conquest games in the past.

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You can easily place a new structure anywhere in your territory by simply pulling it up from the menu in the bottom left. Remember that your town's design is purely ornamental and has no bearing whatsoever on how you play. You can therefore create your village anyway you choose.


In Call of Dragons, each building, upgrade, and pretty much every other component has a separate cost in resources like wood, ore, and gold, among others. Also, while though you can create these resources on-site by constructing and improving production facilities, the majority of your generation will actually come from obtaining resources from the world map, which we'll cover in a little more detail below.


3. Travel the World Map

The world map, which is essentially your window to interacting with other players and gameplay aspects, becomes available shortly after you begin the game. This is when the game truly starts to open up. More particular, there are several resource points, neutral NPCs, and other player towns scattered over the globe map.

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You can interact with the resource points by clicking on them, which will give you the opportunity to gather from them by dispatching your army. Using your troops to gather from these places will be how you generate a sizable portion of your resources. The other neutral NPCs, meanwhile, are merely there so that you can send your armies and heroes to battle them, beat them, and gain precious rewards like experience goods for your heroes to level up.


It's important to note that at the start of the game, the majority of the map will be shrouded in fog. This is when your scouts will be useful. Your scouts will run over the map, clearing the fog as they go, and reporting any areas of interest they find in their reports when they get back home. This is accomplished by sending them out to explore from the Scout Camp. Send out your scouts as often as you can when they are idle to make the most of your awareness of your surroundings.


4. Maximize Your Resource Generation

When it comes to the world map, there’s one aspect in particular that we need to stress due to its importance: the gathering points. These are the places where you will be sending out your armies quite frequently as they are the best ways to massively boost your resource production far beyond what your production buildings could ever produce. 

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Yet, since your forces must be personally dispatched to gather each time they return from their journeys, gathering from the globe map calls for care and consistency. As a result, it's simple to lose track of your troops and let them stand around for a long time. Fortunately, you can greatly accelerate your progress by keeping them gathered at all times as long as you set up an alarm to alert you when they return and are prepared for fresh orders.


5. Army and Troops

Your armies are an essential component of your development because these are the groups of people who will not only venture out onto the world map to gather resources but also risk their lives defending your town. In addition, your armies will be the ones you send out to engage in combat with both NPCs and other players.

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Because these are the groups of individuals who will risk their lives protecting your town in addition to venturing out onto the world map to harvest resources, your armies are a crucial part of your progress. Additionally, it will be your troops that you dispatch to fight in combat with both NPCs and other players.


One important thing you need to know about troops is that, in battle, each unit type is strong against a single other type, and weak against another. The way these interactions work in Call of Dragons is as follows: Infantry > Mounted > Marksmen > Magic > Infantry. 


During these interactions, units inflict more damage to opponent kinds they are strong against while also taking more damage from enemy types they are weak against. As a result, until you start unlocking the better heroes that favor one troop type over another, it's crucial to maintain a balance of units in your army. And even in these situations, you should still make an effort to maintain balance wherever feasible because the way the type matchup system operates makes it simpler to defeat an army that largely relies on a single unit type.

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Final Thoughts

Don't hesitate to give it a try and never forget to refer to this Call of Dragons beginners guide for advice if you run into problems.

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