Beginners Guide for Meta World: My City


Beginners Guide for Meta World: My City

Simulation games become quite interesting for the players as they can take control of the open world and run it as they desire. Such a game is, Meta World: My City which allows players to build a city of their own and upgrade it so that the players can climb up the leaderboards and have the best, upgraded, and developed city. The game also has lots of interesting features that help out players to progress further into the game. Thus, let us know more about Meta World: My City in-depth with our beginners guide. 

Meta World: My City Beginners Guide


To enjoy the best audio-visual performance, we recommend playing Meta World: My City on PC with MuMu Player X! For more guides, please review the list below:


Gameplay Overview of Meta World: My City

Meta World: My City allows players to choose an avatar that will reflect their real estate agent. This agent will be the game character and thus players have to play with them throughout their journey. Players get several sets of in-game currencies with the help of which they can mainly buy real estate properties and thus make their city as well. Players get three cities in an option where they can buy out or sell properties they want and make themselves a well-established brand or real estate agent.

Meta World: My City Beginners Guide


There is an option of Meta Island as well where the whole island is under the control of the player and thus players can build and design the whole city as they want. They can invest and build buildings such as administrative buildings, housing complexes, hospitals, malls, and many more. Based on this Meta Island, players can mainly compete against other players and climb up the leaderboard. The game also comes up with a Board Game that allows the players to go on a one-on-one Board game which is kind of similar to a Business board game. Players have to win and rank up themselves to get rewards.


Basics of Meta World: My City

1. Meta World

Meta World is the section where players can go across the provided four options of places and thus can deal with their Real Estate works. The dealing of works regarding Real Estate includes six types of works that are necessary, these are:

Meta World: My City Beginners Guide


  • Selling
  • Auction
  • Real Estate Lottery
  • My Areas
  • Locker
  • Opponent's Areas


Players get to work in several places, which are:

Meta World: My City Beginners Guide


  • New York
  • Bangkok
  • Paris
  • Meta Island


Apart from Meta World, players need to buy out properties in the other mentioned three places and thus work out over the sex types of deals which are mentioned above.


2. Meta Island

Meta Island is the main section of the game, here players get a certain area and thus players need to construct several sets of buildings and develop the city as per their desires. Players get a certain area and it's their responsibility to develop it and make their Island the best one around the corner of the world. Thus, over this section players can admire their choices and build up their dream city.

Meta World: My City Beginners Guide


3. Character Cards

Character Cards is the section where players can check out all the character cards they own and thus can make up a deck of cards as per their ranking over the board game. Players can use these cards over the Board Game as these character cards hold some unique abilities that help the players to get into an advantageous situation and thus win over the game.

Meta World: My City Beginners Guide


4. Character Summon

Character Summon is the section where players can go to summon several character cards for themselves with the help of Character Summon Tickets. Players can mainly get these tickets in the form of rewards and in-game passes as well.

Meta World: My City Beginners Guide


5. Wardrobe

Wardrobe is the section where the players come up with their characters and thus can select how they want to make their characters look. Thus, players can change their tees, and pants, and add a stylish hat with some cool sneakers to make an attractive outfit for their real estate agent.

Meta World: My City Beginners Guide


6. Board Game

Meta World: My City has an interesting board game under itself that helps out players to compete against another opponent. The game has very simple rules and a ranking system that eventually helps players to win over several Golds by winning. In this Board game, players need to get 10 construction points to claim victory. Players can even rank up in this section and thus the ranking system goes up as:

Meta World: My City Beginners Guide


  • Rookie
  • Amateur
  • Pro 1
  • Pro 2
  • Expert 1
  • Expert 2
  • Champion 1
  • Champion 2
  • Champion 3


7. Achievements

Achievements are the section where players can check all the in-game achievements that they have completed or are yet to complete. Players receive many sets of interesting rewards by completing those achievements and they also gain a wholesome amount of EXP points that help them to upgrade their profile level.

Meta World: My City Beginners Guide


Final Thoughts

Meta World: My City is an outstanding simulation game that makes sure that the opinions and choices of the players are always to be served first rather than the actual game sets. Players can easily buy out properties and make their dream city or island and develop it to give it a futuristic touch.

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