The latest event story in the anime-style RPG game Blue Archive titled "Academy Club Story: A Pair's Final Adventure" delves deeper into the intriguing narrative of the game. This time, players get to explore the secretive "Knowledge Liberation Front" at the Red Winter Federal Academy, a group dedicated to safeguarding the academy's library and advocating for freedom of knowledge.
Guided by the capable duo of Meru and Momiji, two impressive newcomers, players can embark on a thrilling journey through the event narrative and earn enticing rewards at each stage.
With the release of Academy Club Story, Nexon Korea's Blue Archive's ever-expanding universe is further expanded. Players take on the role of Sensei, a sage mentor who helps a varied group of pupils overcome dangers to Kivotos, the academy city, in this tactical role-playing game. As the story unfolds, players come across new students, each possessing special abilities that they can use in combat.
The gameplay of Blue Archive skillfully combines real-time battle with strategic forethought to create an engrossing and engaging journey. The mysterious book of misfortune, Luna, breaks into the library and causes havoc for the Knowledge Liberation Front club, setting off the Academy Club Story event. The club's leaders, Meru and Momiji, need to put aside their differences and work together to defeat the book and lessen its evil effect in order to withstand the storm.
The arrival of powerful students from the Red Winter Federal Academy adds a new dynamic to the game. Meru and Momiji stand out as formidable contenders among their peers, each showcasing unique abilities.
Meru, a piercing type striker, can deal substantial damage to a single foe with her ex skill, while also inflicting continuous burn damage and detecting weaknesses in her opponents. Meanwhile, Momiji, a sonic type striker, unleashes devastating damage within a circular radius with her ex skill.
Additionally, Cherino and Marina, also students of the Red Winter Federal Academy, make a return to the game, further enriching the gameplay experience. To support newcomers in their journey, Nexon has introduced a double rewards campaign, providing extra incentives for players until March 11, 2024.
Players can swap event cash for a variety of gifts, like Momiji's Classic Library Chair and Meru's Interactive Manuscript Work Desk, by completing the event tale battle stages in Academy Club tale. In addition, users can play minigames at the Event Card Shop with the event currency, Tarot del Luna, to gain gifts like Eleph and Artifacts, depending on the level of card they obtain.
Furthermore, additional rewards are attainable during the battle stage by recruiting students from Red Winter Federal Academy, the Gehenna Academy Prefect Team, and the Trinity General School Library Committee.
Above is all the information about Blue Archive Academy Club Story Event Update. For more gaming news and guides, welcome to bookmark MuMu's blog page!