Clash of Clans March 2023: List of Weekly Events, Challenges, and rewards


Clash of Clans March 2023: List of Weekly Events, Challenges, and rewards

Events and Challenges are very common in Clash of Clans, and usually, a good amount of rewards will be distributed. Let's see what will happen in Clash of Clans this month!

MuMu player



The March 2023 month will be focusing on the Color Fest season. So, the theme will be the same for the events and challenges taking place. There are a few events that are repetitive every month, which are Clan War Leagues and Raid Weekend. Hence, we'll not be covering in detail about the same. The rest of the events are given on a weekly basis as follows.

Week 1: 1st March to 8th March

The Sensational Seven
The first event of the season is the Sensational Seven. This is a part of the International Women's Day event celebrated worldwide. Accordingly, all the ladies in Clash of Clans will be taking part, and as a player, you shall be using these in your army to win 10 multiplayer battles. Yes, there are rewards for each event completion. The details and rewards are given below.

clsh of clans march events


  • Archer - 7 - 250 XP, 10 Gems, Training Potion x 2
  • Healer - 2 - 250 XP, 10 Gems, Clock Tower Potion
  • Valkyrie - 3 - 250 XP, 10 Gems, Resource Potion
  • P.E.K.K.A - 1 - 250 XP, 10 Gems, Research Potion
  • Witch - 2 - 250 XP, 10 Gems, Super Potion
  • Headhunter - 5 - 250 XP, 10 Gems, Power Potion
  • Electro Titan - 1 - 250 XP, 10 Gems, Hero Potion

Just have these in your army, participate in multiplayer, win 10 battles, and claim the lucrative rewards!


Color Fest Painter King Challenge

Out of the four challenges announced, the first challenge that arrived this week was the Painter King challenge. A maxed-out Town Hall 11 to destroy, the preset army given has to be utilized to destroy the base to get the 3-stars. Along with the full bounty, players can get the rewards of 400 XP, 20 Gems, and a Hero Potion.

clsh of clans march events


Week 2: 9th March to 15th March

Color Fest Painter Queen Challenge
The second Color Fest Challenge is coming with a maxed Town Hall 15 base Painter Queen Challenge. A Queen Walk with a mix of Dragon and Rage is the preset army, and the strategy to follow is pretty simple. Along with the full bounty of Gold, Elixir, and Dark Elixir, players can get the rewards of 400 XP, 20 Gems, and a Training Potion for 3-starring the base.

More details about the upcoming weeks will be updated. Bookmark our blog page and stay tuned for the rest of the month's info!>>All the latest news and guides about Clash of Clans

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