Counter:Side Gift Codes and Redeem Guide


Counter:Side Gift Codes and Redeem Guide

Are you searching for valid Counter:Side codes? You have landed on the correct page! Read on to discover the process for redeeming the Counter:Side codes that offer complimentary quartz, eterniums, employment contracts, credits, and other exclusive rewards. If you're wondering how to play this game on your PC, you can click here to find out the solution!>>How to Counter:Side on PC with MuMu Player X

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Active Codes

Here is the list of new active Counter:Side codes:

  • cswelfare0521 - Redeem this gift code for Info x2000, Eternium x5000 (SEA) (Valid until May 27th, 2023) 
  • 100THDAYNCOUNTIN - Redeem this gift code for exclusive rewards (Global) (Valid until May 24th, 2023)


How to use these codes in Counter:Side?

Not sure how to enter the codes in Counter:Side? It's pretty straightforward; here is how you can use the redemption codes in just a few steps:

  • Step 1: Open the game and tap on the Menu icon on the top right side of the game screen then click on the Settings icon.

counterside codes


  • Step 2: A new window will pop up, click on the "Manage Account" tab then click on the "Enter Coupon" button.

counterside codes


  • Step 3: Enter the Counter Side codes we provided above in the "Enter a coupon code" section.
  • Step 4: Click on the "OK" button and you will be rewarded immediately in-game.


That's everything about Counter:Side's gifts codes and redeem guide! Play Counter:Side with MuMu Player and enjoy your gameplay now!

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