Dislyte announces its latest "Dusk & Dawn" update with new Espers, events, and more


Dislyte announces its latest "Dusk & Dawn" update with new Espers, events, and more

Farlight Games announced today that the grim world of Dislyte is getting ready to embrace a new era in which players will discover their inner rebel. Players will be able to take advantage of a multitude of fresh content in Dislyte beginning on April 11 thanks to the most recent "Dusk & Dawn" update with the banner of Athena. The role-playing game where mythology and anime meets reaches new heights thanks to never-before-seen Espers, an April Carnival event, and limited-time appearances by a startlingly familiar character.

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Athena and Nyx join the roster of powerful Espers

The Goddess of War and the Goddess of Night, orphaned sisters who fervently embrace their rebellious nature, join the list of strong Espers as Leora and Elaine, also known as Athena and Nyx. In the realm of Dislyte, where ability, tenacity, and commitment to the cause come first and foremost for any respectable Esper, sisterly love only goes so far. The key question is whether their seven-year separation will make them closer or make them much more violent.

dislyte new update


Leora and Elaine take pleasure in their co-combat talents on the battlefield. This brings new gameplay elements and enhancing the fun of team-building a cast of incredibly strong and diverse heroes, each of whom brings distinct powers and effects to every battle.


Summon two Five-Star Espers for free in the April Carnival event

Players can summon Nyx (Elaine) and Hati (Camille) two Five-Star Espers for free for a brief period by participating in the Carnival event. As part of the Carnival celebrations, the gates between dimensions and time itself also open. The one and only Markiplier appears as a special limited-time guest character. As the saying goes, April showers bring… Markiplier as a jovial, amiable NPC.

dislyte new update


Camille, a wolf girl Vlogger based on the moon-eating wolf creature in the Norse mythology, is also welcomed by Dislyte. Time and space are also disturbed by Camille's presence in Dislyte. Camille is also a social media influencer. She can be found online at @vtubercamille on Instagram, and @SuperCamille on Twitter and YouTube.

dislyte new update


The Dusk & Dawn Dungeon invites all lost souls and those without a home and offers more than just a regular dungeon challenge. There is a cost, but players can find just about everything they want here, along with lots of criminals and disenfranchised people.


Plates will reveal restricted places in this dungeon, including hidden labs and towers that are hidden by darkness. In the Dusk & Dawn Dungeon, innocent bliss can be purchased. But if you remain too long, you can get absolute anguish for nothing.


That's everything about Dislyte's new update! If you're new to the game Dislyte, you can click here and read the beginner guide we provided for you!>>Dislyte's Beginner Guide

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