Pirates of the Caribbean: ToW - Best Tips for Beginners


Pirates of the Caribbean: ToW - Best Tips for Beginners

Pirates of the Caribbean: ToW is a real-time strategy game in which you will fight alongside legendary captains to take control of the sea, build your pirate base and recruit notorious marauders for your battle against supernatural creatures and warring pirates. However, this all takes time. So here are a few tips to make sure you don’t end up on the wrong side of the world.

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Keep all your building levels at the same level

Many people will want to constantly upgrade their main fortress as fast as possible. But, this negatively impacts your city, as you will fall behind quickly regarding resource gathering and troop power. Making sure to evenly upgrade everything ensures that your troops will always have the most up-to-date weapons and ships available, and you won't be picked on easily.

Never stop recruiting troops

Having a surplus of troops ensures that, if you ever get raided or attacked or are attacking, replacing your troops that are either hurt or dead won't be an issue. Seems heartless, but necessary. Constantly having an extra amount of troops means you will always have fully manned ships and enough defensive troops to ensure your win.


Keep creating new items for you and your troops

Constantly creating items for your characters gives you buffs to different aspects of war. Some items give you a buff on ship damage, and some give you a buff in troop battles onboarding. Some give you buffs to your defensive walls, and some give your ships increased firing rates. But, constantly creating new items means you’ll have more chances of having a higher tier item, which increases the percentages of buffs on that item specifically.

pirates of caribbean guide


Always empty your resource depots

Your resource depots do not automatically dump their collection into your coffers or storage. Instead, they hold onto it until you click on the depot itself, meaning that if they are full and you don't dump them into your storage, they won't produce any resources. So, always empty your depots, even if they aren't full. This ensures they'll always be producing resources, and you won't run low.

Research the short ones while you're awake

Remember to research the short ones while you're awake and the longer ones at night. This is more of a simple timing thing. Researching takes time, and each successful upgrade increases the tifor on the next tier of research. This means the time needed will slowly increase. So, while you are up and walking and such, do the shortresearchhes, and while you go to bed or have timwhenere you know you won't be able to check on your island, do the longer, 4-5 research. This means there will be no downtime when you aren't playing on your island.

pirates of caribbean guide

These are just a few of the tips to make sure you become an infamous pirate of the pirate's council. Make sure to keep these close to your heart and enjoy this interesting game with MuMu Player!

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