How to play Overlord of Chaos on PC with MuMu Player


How to play Overlord of Chaos on PC with MuMu Player

Overlord of Chaos is an RPG game developed by UJGames. If you are looking for famous heroes from different civilizations, this game might be for you. You will use these heroes and form your civilization team to fight enemies by deploying as many as 6 heroes.

Overlord of Chaos on PC


Now it's time to play this fantastic mobile game on PC with MuMu Player! To read more guides for Overlord of Chaos, please review the list below:

Emulators like MuMu Player could offer you a wonderful gaming experience! Emulators have several advantages including cost-effective, ease of use, bigger screen, faster speed, higher FPS and so on. This version of MuMu Player provides you a better video output, better audio, is much more convenient (no need to connect a TV or physically switch cartridges around) and most importantly, much more reliable. Besides, you could also set personalised control method, which fits your habits best, on your keyboard and mouse. MuMu Player is one of the best Android emulators on the market right now in terms of performance.

Installation Guide

The followings are steps for installing Overlord of Chaos on PC.


Step 1: Download and install MuMu Player from the official website on your PC.

Download MuMu Player


Step 2: Launch MuMu Player and click App Center, then look for Overlord of Chaos in the search bar on the top.

Search games in MuMu Player


Note: If you couldn't launch MuMu Player, you could enable Virtualization Technology (VT) on your MuMu Player manually. Enabling VT allows multiple operating system to run simultaneously without any negative impacts and significantly boosts emulator performance. Search "Enable VT" on MuMu Player's official website or just click this link to access the tutorial.


Step 3: Complete Google sign-in to access the Play Store and install Overlord of Chaos.

Sign in to Google

Overlord of Chaos on PC


Note: If you didn't find this game on the Play Store, you can also download the game's apk file to install locally on MuMu Player X.

play mobile game on PC


Step 4: Click the Overlord of Chaos icon on the home screen and enjoy it!

Overlord of Chaos on PC


After these few easy steps, which only takes you a few minutes, you have been ready to enjoy playing Overlord of Chaos on PC with the best audio-visual performance and the most suitable operating setting. Now let's start playing this fantastic game on PC with MuMu Player X!


Tips for setting MuMu Player to enhance your game experience

  • To use multi-drive funtion, click the desktop icon "Multi-drive" → select "Copy emulator" or "Create new emulator" → click "start", and you can open multiple emulators.
  • To achieve precise control, click the keyboard icon at the bottom of MuMu Player to set up your own keyboard and mouse control system.
  • To have a smoother sreen, click "Settings" at its upper right corner → Select "Game settings" → Tick "Enable HFR (60 fps)" / "Extra High FPS Mode (120 fps)".
  • To improve the resolution and have a clearer vision than anyone else, click "Settings" at its upper right corner → Select "interface" → Tick "Custom" / "Width - 2560, Height - 1080", save and restart the emulator.
  • Explore more features and setup instructions on our FAQ page.


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