RAID: Shadow Legends - Tier List 2023


RAID: Shadow Legends - Tier List 2023

RAID: Shadow Legends is the most interesting PRG in which you can recruit the most legendary warriors, train them to fight together, turn them into living weapons and fight your way through a visually stunning realistic fantasy RPG to save the world, featuring turn-based play and a fascinating story. In this article we provide you with a detailed tier list (S, A, B and C) to help you assemble your army and choose the best champions.

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S: Maulie Tankard, Melga Stellgirdle, Rearguard Sergeant, Rugnor Goldgleam, Grizzled Jarl, Tormin the Cold, Trunda Giltmallet, Runekeeper Dazdurk
A: Dilgol, Gala Longbrainds, Avir the Alchemage, Geomancer, Hurndig, Kurzad, Deepheart, Rock Breaker
B: Underpriest Brogni, Baerdal Fellhammer, Mountain King, Cudgeler, Fodbor the Bard, Grumbler, Runic Warder, Madman, Master Butcher, Hatchet Slinger
C: Boltsmith, Bulwark, Stout Axeman, Samar Gemcursed, Beast Wrestler, Dolor Lorekeeper, Flailer, Gloril Brutebane, Honor Guard, Painsmith, Perforator



S: Scyl of the Drakes, Tuhanarak, Valkyrie, Warmaiden, Fahrakin the Fat, High Khatun, Sikara, Sentinel, Skytouched Shaman, Skirmisher, Ursuga Warcaller
A: Altan, Alika, Atur, Armina, Elder Skarg, Kantra the Cyclone, Anointed, Marked, Turvold, Valla, Soulbound Bowyer, Zephyr Sniper, Teshada
B: Aina, Dunestrider, Haarken Greatblade, Kallia, Elder, Scrapper, Hill Nomad, Maeve, Baroth the Bloodsoaked, Yakari the Scourge
C: Ragemonger, Jotun, Ox, Woad-Painted, Bloodbraid, Berserker, Suwai Firstborn, Tigersoul

raid shadow legends tier list


S: Genzin, Jintoro, Sachi, Lady Kimi, Hotatsu, Fenshi
A: Yoshi the Drunkard, Oboro, Chonoru. Fanatic, Riho Bonespear, Genbo the Dishonored, Burangiri, Gory
B: Toragi the Frog, Odachi, Lifetaker, Chani, Vagabond, Nobel
C: Bloodmask, Conscript, Infiltrator, Assassin, Marauder



S: Khoronar, Norog, Basher, Cleopterix, Fayne, Graybeard, Hakkorhn, Longbeard
A: Bloodpainter, Flesh-Tearer. Channeler, Steelskull, Gnarlhorn, Grappler, Reinbeast, Ursine
B: Hoforees the Tusked, Icecrusher, Fleshmoner, Smashlord, Ursine Ironhide, Yaga the Insatiable, Warchief, Snorting Thug, Taurus
C: Bloodhorn, Panthera, Ripper


S: Archmage Hellmut, Baron, Black Knight, Raglin, Septimus, Sethalia, Stag Knight, Ursala the Mourner
A: Cillian the Lucky, Alaric the Hooded, Azure, Gerhard the Stone, Helio, Knight Errant, Lord Champfort, Lugan the Steadfast, Minaya, Oathbound, Richtoff the Bold, Rowan
B: Chancellor Yasmin, Chevalier, Conquerer, Dagger, Giscard the Sigiled, Hordin, Halberdier, Masked Fearmonger, Myrmidon, Preserver, Seneschal, Vanguard, Warcaster
C: Bombardier, Cataphract, Courtier, Crossbowman, Lordly Legionary, Questor, Steadfast Marshal, Valerie

raid shadow legends tier list



S: Alure, Duchess Lilitu, Peydma, Prince Kymar, Tyrant Ixlimor, Umbral Enchantress
A: Candraphon, Countess Lix, Cruetraxa, Drexthar Bloodtwin, Excruciator, Fellhound, Gorlos, Hellmaw, Infernal Baroness, Inithwe Bloodtwin, Lord Shazar, Marquis, Nazana, Sicia Flametongue, Tainix Hateflower
B: Abyssal, Achak the Wendarin, Akoth the Seared, Diabolist, Erinyes, Hellgazer, Marquess, Skimfos the Consumed, Souldrinker, Tormentor
C: Hellborn Spite, Hellfang, Hound Spawn, Ifrit, Malbranche, Mortu-Macaab, Tarshon


High Elves

S: Apothecary, Arbiter, Basileus Roanas, Battlesage, Belanor, Lyssandra, Tayrel, Deliana
A: Elenaril, Elhain, Heiress, Ithos, Luthiea, Royal Guard, Royal Huntsman, Shirimani, Thenasil, Vergis, Yannica
B: Exemplar, Fencer, Hyria, Interceptor, Jinglehunter, Pyxniel, Reliquary, Tender
C: Adjudicator, Avenger, Magister, Marksman


Dark Elves

S: Astralith, Blind Seer, Coldheart, Fang Cleric, Foli, Ghostborn, Kael, Kaiden, Lanakis the Chosen, Lydia the Deathsiren, Madame Serris, Pain Keeper, Rae, Zavia
A: Crimson Helm, Delver, Lua, Luria, Psylar, Rian the Conjurer, Spider, Spirithost, Visix the Unbowed, Vizier Ovelis, Paragon
B: Captain Temila, Eviscerator, Hexweaver, Judge, Mystic Hand, Queen Eva, Warden, Retainer, Ruel the Huntmaster
C: Harvester, Steel Bowyer, Wanderer

raid shadow legends tier list


Knight Revenant

S: Doompriest, Miscreated Monster, Rector Drath, Sinesha, Skullcrown, Soulless
A: Arcanist, Bystophus, Crypt Sitch, Deathless, Executioner, Golden Reaper, Hegemon, Pestilus, Renegade, Sepulcher Sentinel, Tomb Lord
B: Coffin Smasher, Gladiator, Guardian, Kytis, Narma the Returned, Necrohunter, Pitiless One, Thea the Tomb Angel, Theurgist, Whisper, Wurlim Frostking
C: Acolyte, Bergoth the Malformed, Crimson Slayer, Centurion, Daywalker, Faceless, Magus, Pharsalas Gravedirt, Versult the Grim



S: Aox the Rememberer, Deacomorph, Fu-Shan, Krisk the Ageless, Ramantu Drakesblood, Rhazin Scarhide
A: Basilisk, Broadmaw, Drake, Gator, Roxam
B: Bogwalker, Haruspex, Jarang, Jareg, Jizoh, Skathix, Skull Lord Var-Gall, Venomage, Vergumkaar
C: Flinger, Hurier, Metalshaper, Muckstalker, Quargan the Crowned, Skink, Skullsworn, Slasher, Slitherbrute



S: Angar, Dhukk the Pierced, Galek, Gomlok Skyhide, Irom Brago, Kreela Witch-Arm, Old Hemit Jorrg, Robar, Sandlashed Survivor, Tuhak the Wanderer, Warlord
A: Bonekeeper, Grohak the Bloodied, King Garog, Nogdar the Headhunter, Seer, Shaman, Teela Goremane, Ultimate Galek, Veteran, Vrask, Zargala
B: Bloodfeather, Chopper, Deathchanter, Ironclad, Pigsticker, Raider, Ripperfist, Terrorbeast, Toturehelm, Twinclaw Disciple, Wyvernbane
C: Goremask, Huntress, Spikehead, Totem, Treefeller

raid shadow legends tier list



S: Bellower, Big ‘Un, Ghrush the Mangler, Maneater, Skullcrusher, Towering Titan, Uugo
A: Cagebreaker, Grimskin, Gurgoh, the Augur, Gurptuk Moss-Beard, Ignatius, Klodd Beastfeeder, Shamrock
B: Drokgul the Gaunt, Flesheater, Galkut, Geargrinder, Grunch Killjoy, Fortress Goon, Magmablood, Ogryn, Jaoler, Prundar, Shatterbones, Siegehulk
C: Furystoker, Mycolus, Occult Brawler, Pounder, Rocktooth, Ruffstone, Siegebreaker, Stoneskin, Wagonbane, War Mother


Sacred Order

S: Abbess, Armiger, Athel, Cardiel, Cupidus, Deacon Armstrong, Errol, Fenax, Martys, Romero Roshcard the Tower, Sir Nicholas, Venus
A: Aothar, Cardinal, Godseeker Aniri, Hope, Inquisitor Shamael, Juliana, Lightsworm, Lodric Falconheart, Mistress of Hymns, Mordecai, Sanctum Protector, Mother Superior, Relickeeper Sanguinia, Tallia
B: Astralon, Bushi, Canoness, Draconis, Frostbinger, Lamellar, Outlaw Monk, Penitent, Sanctioned Purifier, Solaris, Templar, Warpriest, Witness
C: Adriel, Chaplain, Confessor, Harrier, Headsman, Hospitaller, Judicator, Justiciar, Lady Estessa, Maiden, Missionary, Purgator, Renouncer


Undead Hordes

S: Bad-el-Kazar, Doomscreech, Drowned Bloatwraith, Ma’Shalled, Nekhret the Freat, Rotos the Lost Groom, Saito, Seducer, Seeker, Siptu the Lost Bride, Skartosis
A: Anax, Balthus Drauglord, Bloodgorged, Corpse Collector, Frozen Banshee, Gogorab, Havest Jack, Husk, Lich, Little Miss Annie, Mausoleum Mage, Nethril, Suzerain Katonn, Temptress, Wogoth, Urost the Soulcage, Zelotah
B: Banshee, Bone Knight, Catacomb, Councilor, Corpulent Cadaver, Dark Elhain, Defiled Sinner, Elegaius, Gravenchill Killer, Grinner, Hexia, Karam, Rotting Mage, Wretch
C: Amarantine Skeleton, Arbalester, Ghoulish Ranger, Hollow, Sorceress, Crypt-King Graal, Dark Athel, Stitched Beast

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