As a captivating mobile entry into the renowned series, Saint Seiya: Legend of Justice boasts a classic narrative overseen by the series' original creator Kurumada Masami, magnificent art, exciting fights, and an exciting quest to preserve the goddess Athena.
But, given the size of the job at hand, you may want to squad up the most formidable team of brave knights to lead the charge. Fortunately, our Saint Seiya: Legend of Justice tier list can help you by placing the top heroes according to their suitability for the task. The tier lists are just designed to be used as guides, so even if your character is in the lowest tier, it doesn't mean you can't use them to fight. Of course, bear in mind that. If you are unable to obtain your desired character the first time around, our Saint Seiya: Legend of Justice reroll guide might be of assistance.
S: Athena, Shaka
A: Aioria, Aldebaran, Aphrodite, Athena, Camus, Dante, Doko, Evil Saga, Mephisto, Mu, Miro, Ptolemy, Shura
B: Argethi, Argol, Asterion, Babel, Capella, Crow, Dios, Jamian, Misty, Shaina, Sirius, Sygnus
C: Ban, Black Andromeda, Black Dragon, Black Pegasus, Black Phoenix, Geki, Hyoga, Ichi, Ikki, Jab, Nachi, Shun
D: Graad Guaard, Graveyard Axeman, Graveyard Spirit, Graveyard Warrior, Hound, Sanctuary Archer, Sanctuary Priest, Sanctuary Warrior
As with any game that features gacha mechanics, there's a chance that you won't pull the character you want the first time around. In which case, you need to reroll. To do this, just follow the steps below:
1. Fire up Saint Seiya: Legend of Justice
2. Complete the tutorial until you get your free pulls
3. if you're happy, great! If not, follow the next steps
4. Hit your profile icon in the top left of the screen
5. go to settings and then switch account
6. Delete your account
7. Restart the game and repeat the process until you get the character you want
That's it for our Saint Seiya: Legend of Justice tier list and reroll guide. If you want to embark on another journey on a big screen, play it on MuMu now!