Age of Frostfall Hero Tier List


Age of Frostfall Hero Tier List

Age of Frostfall is a strategy game where you recruit legendary heroes to construct your city, train your army, and combat the Unmelted, a frozen monster race. Whether you need a warrior for leading your troops, an archer for long-range attacks, or a wise leader for battle strategies, Age of Frostfall offers heroes to assist you in achieving your goals. Each hero possesses unique abilities and strengths, so selecting the right ones for your team is crucial for success. Consult this Age of Frostfall tier list to choose and play with the most effective characters.

Age of Frostfall Hero Tier List


To enjoy the best audio-visual performance, we recommend playing Age of Frostfall on PC with MuMu Player! For more guides, please review the list below:


Age of Frostfall Character Tier List

The Age of Frostfall Tier List assists players in selecting their characters by differentiating them from other characters. The characters are divided into categories: SS, S, A, and B in the Age of Frostfall character Tier List.

Age of Frostfall Hero Tier List


Overpowered (SS)

  • Oberon
  • Morein
  • Morrigan
  • Sir Pellinore
  • Protagonist (Player)


Strong (S)

  • The Red Knight
  • Sloane
  • Sebile
  • Uther
  • Orlando (Player)


Good (A)

  • Sir Gawain
  • Evaine
  • Aurelius
  • Pendragon
  • Nora (Player)


Fair (B)

  • King Anguish
  • Gorlois
  • Iseult’s Father


Best Characters

We have identified the top 5 most frequently used characters in the game, based on their strength. These characters are indispensable and should not be overlooked. They are as follows:


1. Oberon

As a potent lord of the shadow realm, he excels in dark magic, capable of casting spells that can weaken or obliterate your foes. Additionally, he possesses exceptional archery skills and can guide your bowmen to triumph. If you seek a leader who can bolster the strength and vitality of your archers, he is an excellent choice.

Age of Frostfall Hero Tier List


2. Morein

He is a master of the bow and can fire arrows with deadly accuracy, exhibiting his skills as a skilled archer. Additionally, he possesses exceptional tracking abilities, which can aid you in identifying your enemies' weaknesses. Although young and inexperienced, this knight is a quick learner who is eager to prove himself. He can provide valuable support to any team.

Age of Frostfall Hero Tier List


3. Morrigan

As a formidable sorceress, she has the ability to cast spells that can weaken or even obliterate your enemies. Additionally, she is a proficient rider and can effectively lead your cavalry to triumph. She is a mysterious and enigmatic figure, surrounded by secrecy. Though a valuable ally, she can also pose a significant threat as an enemy.

Age of Frostfall Hero Tier List


4. The Red Knight

The Red Knight is a tall, muscular man with long red hair and a beard. He wears heavy armor and wields a massive sword. Known for his incredible strength, he excels at leading cavalry units into battle. The Red Knight enhances the cavalry units' damage to adjacent enemy troops, making him a valuable asset for any army. He can play a crucial role in determining the outcome of a battle.

Age of Frostfall Hero Tier List


5. Sloane

Sloane is a slim and nimble young woman with red-blonde hair, often seen holding a stick. She possesses exceptional skills with a bow and arrow, making her an excellent archer. In fact, she has the ability to deal additional damage during attacks. Sloane's skills as a tracker and scout make her an invaluable source of intelligence on enemy forces. She is a valuable asset to any army, playing a key role in achieving victory.

Age of Frostfall Hero Tier List


Final Thoughts

Age of Frostfall is a strategy game where recruiting the right characters is crucial for success. Each hero possesses unique abilities and strengths, making it imperative to select the appropriate ones for your team to emerge victorious. Our Age of Frostfall Tier list has a plethora of heroes to choose from, whether you require a powerful warrior, a skilled archer, or a wise leader.

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