Tower of Fantasy - Gnonno Best Team Guide


Tower of Fantasy - Gnonno Best Team Guide

Tower of Fantasy has a new patch update, Version 2.5 where they introduce another new limited Simulacrum name Gnonno along with her weapon Mini Hurricane. Gnonno is a character that is revealed to be a Physical DPS Simulacrum. In this guide, we will learn more about the best team compositions of Gnonno. If you're new to this amazing game, you can click here to see the beginner guide we've prepared for you!

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Gnonno is fairly versatile and can almost be seen as a Physical Lan in terms of the amount of off-field damage she provides. As such, she can fit into a good amount of team comps. 


Gnonno + Fiona + Umi

The first team is a standard Physical team consisting of Gnonno, Umi, and Fiona. Umi can be replaced by either using Claudia or Lyra. For Fiona, Lin can also act as an alternative. In this team, use Hydro Focus and Maelstrom here, with Gnonno being the main DPS. A triple Physical comp just does not work as the rotation is extremely squishy and tough due to how both skills instantly gain charge.

tower of fantasy gnonno team guide


Fiona's skill can be cast without gaining a new Discharge, as such you won't be able to properly rotate to both Umi and Claudia without running both Discharge meters generated by Gnonno. To start the team comp, use Fiona's base skill first, quickly swapping to Umi right after and starting a Magic Show. Discharge in Gnonno and pop Moelstrom using her skill and then hold Attack. A few seconds later, Discharge Fiona and repeat the rotation. 


Fiona + Gnonno + Lyra

This second team comp is called can Altered Gnonno team. The strength of this team is that it double dips on both Gnonno's special Universal Resonance and Altered Resonance. In this comp, we use Hydro Focus and Torrential Force. This team plays mostly similar to the standard Physical team, except you will alternate between Discharging Lin and Gnonno.

tower of fantasy gnonno team guide


Use Maelstrom instead of Torrential Force, using a rotation similar to the standard Umi comp. Start with Fiona's skill then swap to Lin and drop Moonlight Realm and use Torrential Force. Swap to Gnonno and use her Skill and DPS until hitting two full charge bars at which point you Discharge into Fiona, use her Skill, and then Discharge to Lin to use hers. 


So that's all about Tower of Fantasy Gnonno's best team guide! Let's play it and enjoy with MuMu now!

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