If you encounter errors while updating MuMuPlayer Pro, please refer to the following solutions:
• Error codes 10001, 10009, 10013: Check if your Mac is disconnected or on a weak network. Try switching networks and retry the update.
• Error codes 10002, 10010, 10019: If this occurs, please contact official staff for support.
• Error code 10003: There was a problem with the update process. Re-download and reinstall the software to try to resolve the issue.
• Error codes 10005, 10006, 10008, 10018: Open Activity Monitor, close all processes related to MuMuPlayer Pro, restart the application, and attempt the update again.

• Error code 10007: Insufficient directory write permissions. You can try two solutions:
(1) After exiting the application, locate the current location of the application (right-click on the "MuMuPlayer Pro" icon in the dock, click "Options - Show in Finder"), then move it to the "Applications" folder on your computer and trigger the update again.

(2) If the application is already in the "Applications" folder, you can check if the current user has administrative privileges. If not, switch to an administrator account and trigger the update again. You can find out which user has administrative privileges in "System Settings - Users & Groups."
(3) Search for "Terminal" in your Launchpad and open it. Type command "xattr -dr com.apple.quarantine <the location of your application>" and then press Enter. You can find <the location of your application> by finding and draging the app into the Terminal. After the command is done executing, you can restart your MuMuPlayer Pro.

• Error code 10011: Insufficient disk space on your Mac, requiring about 1.5GB for the download and installation process. Please free up space and try again.
• Error code 10012: On your Mac, go to “System Settings”, click on “Privacy & Security” and select “Files and Folders”. Find MuMuPlayer Pro and enable access to the “Documents” folder. After completing this step, try updating again.