How to use keyboard, mouse and gamepad?
Updated: 2024-03-26

MuMuPlayer Pro supports key mapping for keyboards, mice, and gamepads. It allows you to create custom mapping schemes or use official cloud mapping schemes. For guidance, please refer to the steps below.


1. Use Cloud Mapping Schemes

Officially, for certain games, MuMuPlayer Pro offers cloud mapping schemes. Upon entering the game, you can select the appropriate scheme based on your needs. For instance, "Magic Awakened" is compatible with multiple cloud mapping schemes.

Click on the keyboard icon on the frame of the Android device to bring up the overlay. Switching between schemes in the list will apply them immediately.

To use a gamepad scheme, go to the 'Gamepad' tab and select the desired scheme to activate it.

If you wish to fine-tune a scheme, click on 'Edit Scheme.' In the editing interface, you can make your adjustments. Once you've finished editing, saving your changes will automatically save it as a new customized scheme.


2. Access Scheme Instructions

In the drop-down overlay, you can choose whether to 'Show Mapping Hints' and adjust their 'Opacity'. To learn more about the specific scheme, click on the 'Scheme Instruction' icon in the upper right corner of the overlay to open the 'Scheme Management' window for detailed information.


3. Create a New Key Mapping Scheme

In the drop-down overlay, click 'New Scheme' to start adding various types of keys. Once in the key mapping edit page, right-click to bring up the key panel. Click the corresponding key to add it, then press the key on your keyboard or gamepad to assign its value, and place it in the desired location on the screen. Please refer to the attachment for a visual guide.

(1) Keyboard and Mouse

①Tap Spot: Simulates a single click at the designated location when the key is pressed. Place the key on the desired click position.

②Repeated Tap: Simulates multiple clicks at the same location when the key is pressed. It can be triggered by "holding down" the key or "after a key press," with the number of clicks set by the user.

③D-pad: Place these keys on the game's directional pad to trigger movement in "up, down, left, right" directions. The default key values are "WASD," and can simulate either a "click" or a "swipe" action.

④Aim Key: Allows for changing the viewpoint by moving the mouse. Position this key in the area where you want the camera angle to pivot. Adjust the size of the area with X/Y axis range settings, fine-tune the movement sensitivity, and you can enable an auto-reset feature for when the cursor moves beyond this area.

⑤Fire/Attack: Used in conjunction with the aim key, place this key at the fire/attack button position and use the left mouse button to click.

⑥Cast Spell

You can cast spells based on the mouse position with adjusting the following parameters:

• Cast with Mouse: Enable to cast spells towards the mouse cursor.

• Timing: Choose between "On Button Release," "On Button Press," or "Manual Activation" for when spells are cast.

• Casting Radius: Adjust this setting if the precision of mouse targeting is off.

• Casting Button Radius: Modify this if the spell casting area is too narrow.

• Casting Button X/Y: Set the screen coordinates for the casting button.

• Cancel Cast: Enable this to assign a button that cancels an ongoing spell cast.

• Stop Movement: Toggle this to stop character movement after casting a spell.

• Move towards Mouse: Enable to have the character move in the direction of the mouse cursor after casting.

• Remark: Add any notes or comments regarding the casting setup.

• Show Hint: Turn this on to display hints related to skill casting settings.

(2) Gamepad

• Tap Spot/Repeated Tap: Functions the same as their keyboard and mouse counterparts.

• Left Joystick: Position on the game's directional pad to control movement with the gamepad's left joystick. Ensure the pad size corresponds to the in-game operational range.

• Right Joystick: Place it in the position for moving the viewpoint, using the gamepad to control the camera movement.

• Cast Spell: Functions the same as their keyboard and mouse counterparts.


4. Adjust Scheme Sensitivity

Within the dropdown overlay, sensitivity adjustments can be made.


5.Export/Import Key Mapping Schemes

(1) Export Schemes

Keyboard and gamepad cloud schemes are stored in a shared folder at the same source path. You can access this by clicking "Tools > Shared Folder > Open Shared Folder in Finder" from the top menu bar. Here, you'll find the "keymap" folder.

Inside "keymap"folder, there are subfolders for "joystick (gamepad schemes)" and "keyboard (keyboard and mouse schemes)". Open either folder and locate the game's key mapping folder by its package name to find all available schemes.


(2) Import Schemes

To import a scheme, click "Keyboard and Mouse > Import Mapping Scheme" from the top menu bar and select the scheme file to import it.


For any further questions about keyboard and mouse functionality, feel free to join the official Discord community and consult with the support staff.
