在PC或Mac上玩Backgammon Live - Online Games
使用MuMu模擬器在PC或Mac上下載 Backgammon Live - Online Games,以獲得類似PC的遊戲體驗以及智能操作和高圖形效能。
MuMu模擬器是適用於PC和Apple M系列晶片的頂級安卓模擬器,可提供最佳遊戲體驗,同時減少記憶體使用量並提高幀率。支援多開功能,可建立多個模擬器並同時運行多個遊戲。其先進的模擬器功能可確保即便在低階電腦也能流暢運行遊戲。
立即在PC或Mac上使用MuMu模擬器下載並暢玩Backgammon Live - Online Games吧。
The Backgammon game is a true classic board game that never gets old, but gets better with an online Backgammon live version that allows you to play Backgammon on your Android phone. Backgammon has over 5,000 years of experience and is one of the oldest PvP games ever created. The Backgammon offline game receives a Backgammon 2020 online makeover that stays true to the rules of the original Backgammon game. How to play Backgammon online in the best free Backgammon game on Android? Download the Backgammon Live game and follow the Backgammon rules: Players get 15 game pieces (AKA checkers or draughts) and must roll the dice to move them between 24 points on the Backgammon board game based on the numbers received in each dice roll. The goal is to be the first to “bear off” and move all the checkers off the gameboard to be crowned the Backgammon king of the board! The winner can choose to double down using the Double or Nothing feature. This game of Backgammon for tablet and smartphone devices is a world of fun! The fun game offers different modes, challenges, quests and surprises. It's the classic game of Backgammon plus a few special additions: - Mini games, HUGE wins! These extra free dice games and card games are waiting for you! Play a fun 21 Blackjack game, High or Low, Roulette game, and a Slot machine game. - Backgammon Blitz: Feeling like a Backgammon pro? Boost the pace and improve your skills to become a Backgammon champion! Don’t forget to try the hyper Backgammon feature! - Custom boards: Organize the Backgammon set in crazy Backgammon setup options and layouts and play against Backgammon masters! - This is more than a two players game! Participate in Backgammon multiplayer tournaments, compete and play with friends and Backgammon legends from all around the world and join our champions league! Get on the competition leaderboard by winning multiplayer dice games! - Enjoy the Backgammon free online live chat within the Backgammon game! - Win free backgammon coins and items by completing weekly challenges! Don’t forget to collect your daily bonus! - Connect to the backgammon app with Facebook! This is a social game as well! - More exciting features just a quick Backgammon download away! Backgammon Live is a strategy game, a brain game, a game of skill, a game of dice, a game of luck but above all – it’s a game of fun! So, what’s your Backgammon strategy or tactics? Download this free Backgammon app to find out! Backgammon is an ancient Egyptian board game (طاولي) and one of the most popular 2 player online games in the world. Backgammon is called different names around the world and the most popular names are Nardi and Tawla. This live Backgammon free download app enables you to play online the best classic board games, win tournaments and virtual prizes such as dice shakers and dice cubes. You can also unlock new table games. Download the Backgammon app and play a tournament of Backgammon with no ads, just a free challenge game. Winning contests and topping the leaderboards can make you the lord of the dice! Whether you just want to play a dice game with buddies or seriously want to win every contest even when playing Backgammon vs friends, this dice puzzle is one you’ll love to solve! This Backgammon PvP game is better than all other tabletop games, skill games or other types of board games on Google Play. Though it’s a phone dice game, you’ll soon find out that it’s more than a lucky dice game or a simple dice app! Backgammon Live is free to play but optional in-game items require payment. You can turn off the payment feature by disabling in-app purchases in your device’s settings.




建議電腦配置: CPU4核+ 內存4G+ 系統i5+ 顯卡GTX950+
建議開啟VT: 開啟VT後將大幅提升模擬器性能,減少畫面卡頓,遊戲運行更流暢>>如何開啟VT
建議性能設置: 2核2G >>如何調整性能設置
模擬器顯卡渲染模式: Vulkan、DirectX均可
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② 啟動MuMu模擬器並完成谷歌登入以存取谷歌商店,或稍後再執行此操作。
③ 在谷歌商店中搜尋Backgammon Live - Online Games。
④ 完成谷歌登入 (如果跳過第2步) 以安裝Backgammon Live - Online Games。
⑤ 安裝完成後,點選桌面Backgammon Live - Online Games圖示即可開始遊戲。
⑥ 使用MuMu模擬器在PC或Mac上暢玩 Backgammon Live - Online Games。