在PC或Mac上玩Pregnancy + | tracker app, week by week in 3D
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Download the world’s leading pregnancy tracker app today, for free week-by-week pregnancy information and articles! The Pregnancy+ app features expert advice, daily articles, healthcare tips and interactive 3D models so you can track your baby’s development. Our pregnancy app has been downloaded over 45 million times by expecting families. Join our worldwide community today! Baby Development ⌛ ✔️ Unique, interactive 3D models showing your baby’s development ✔️ Baby Size Guide helps you visualise your baby’s size in fruits, animals & sweets ✔️ Pregnancy Week-by-Week Guides explain what to expect in each pregnancy week ✔️ Simple & informative Pregnancy Timeline highlighting important milestones Pregnancy Guides & Information ℹ️ ✔️ In-depth Pregnancy Guides covering breastfeeding, exercise, food, twins & more ✔️ Daily Pregnancy Articles, tailored to your pregnancy stage ✔️ 2D & 3D Scans by pregnancy week for you to browse ✔️ Daily Blog Posts with tips, tricks & helpful advice ✔️ Upload photos in My Bump to create a visual pregnancy diary Pregnancy Tools 🧰 ✔️ Pregnancy Due Date Calculator helps you work out when your bundle will arrive ✔️ Kick Counter tracks your baby’s movements & activity ✔️ Pregnancy Weight Log helps you keep an eye on changes in your weight ✔️ Contraction Timer measures contractions throughout your labour Organise & Plan 📅 ✔️ Pregnancy Calendar enables you to plan & document your prenatal appointments ✔️ Hospital Bag helps you prepare your hospital visit, for Mother, Birth Partner & Baby ✔️ Birth Plan allows you to customise, organise & export your needs & wishes ✔️ To-Do List & Baby Shopping List for ideas of what you need to do & buy ✔️ Search thousands of Baby Names for inspiration & share your favourites Our EXCLUSIVE 3D Models 👶 Enjoy our unique 3D models showing your pregnancy’s week-by-week development, from blastocyst to foetus to baby. Our 3D models truly help you to connect with the baby growing inside you. ❤️ Choose from multiple ethnicities ❤️ Zoom in or out & rotate to see the baby’s intricate detail ❤️ Watch guided pregnancy week-by-week walk-throughs ❤️ Tap to see baby movements Pregnancy Articles & Guides 📝 If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the advice out there, don’t worry. Our Pregnancy + tracker app will guide you through your pregnancy, week-by-week, keeping you up to date with your baby’s development and helping you stay healthy through pregnancy and beyond. The Pregnancy+ app content is written in-house, with the help of medical experts, lactation consultants, midwives and, of course, parents. Share your journey with friends & family 👪 Our pregnancy tracker app can be personalised so your partner, future grandparents or best friend can join in the fun and follow your baby’s development in the womb, from bump to birth! Keep everyone up to date with your pregnancy by inviting them to download the app today. Follow us on Social Media 👍 Facebook: facebook.com/PregnancyPlusApp Instagram: @PregnancyPlus_App Twitter: @Pregnancy_App Pinterest: pinterest.com/PregnancyPlusApp 🔽 Download Pregnancy+ App today 🔽 Privacy Policy https://info.philips-digital.com/PrivacyNotice?locale=en&country=GB Terms of Use https://info.philips-digital.com/TermsOfUse?locale=en&country=GB This app is not intended for medical use, or to replace the advice of a trained medical doctor. Philips Consumer Lifestyle B.V. disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information, which is provided to you on a general information basis only and not as a substitute for personalised medical advice. If you have any concerns about your pregnancy, consult with your doctor or midwife. The Pregnancy + tracker app wishes you a healthy, full-term pregnancy and a safe delivery.




建議電腦配置: CPU4核+ 內存4G+ 系統i5+ 顯卡GTX950+
建議開啟VT: 開啟VT後將大幅提升模擬器性能,減少畫面卡頓,遊戲運行更流暢>>如何開啟VT
建議性能設置: 2核2G >>如何調整性能設置
模擬器顯卡渲染模式: Vulkan、DirectX均可
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② 啟動MuMu模擬器並完成谷歌登入以存取谷歌商店,或稍後再執行此操作。
③ 在谷歌商店中搜尋Pregnancy + | tracker app, week by week in 3D。
④ 完成谷歌登入 (如果跳過第2步) 以安裝Pregnancy + | tracker app, week by week in 3D。
⑤ 安裝完成後,點選桌面Pregnancy + | tracker app, week by week in 3D圖示即可開始遊戲。
⑥ 使用MuMu模擬器在PC或Mac上暢玩 Pregnancy + | tracker app, week by week in 3D。